Texas Woody Ornamental Plant Farm Offered for Sale
This working Plant Farm was developed in 1999 on a ~56 acre tract located on Armstrong Road/CR 096 in Jasper, Texas and is ideal for supplying the Houston, Dallas and Austin landscape/wholesale market areas - as well as an easy drive to Forest Hill, La. for plant stock and for drivers combining plant loads to Texas and and beyond.
The Farm features twenty-nine 36′ x 300′ growing pads with overhead irrigation from 2 water wells with superior water quality for both plant production and consumption. All plant material is container grown, ranging from 7 gallon to 45 gallon for current primary sales - easily transitioned back to 3 & 5 gallon volume production. Current plant inventory includes Nellie R. Stevens Holly, Dwarf Burford Holly, Needlepoint Holly, Dwarf Yaupon Holly, Carissa Holly, Wintergreen Boxwood, Japanese Boxwood, Elaeagnus, Variegated Privet, and Wax Leaf Ligustrum.
This working Farm is ready for a new owner to take over operations, with a small home on site for optional living/office, plenty of acreage for farm expansion/creek front home(s) -- and experienced employees to assist you. For the fisherman, Lake Sam Rayburn is a nice 20 minute drive away.

Timber and Indian Creek Frontage
The undeveloped portions of the property are covered in 25 year plus unharvested mixed timber and the undeveloped eastern boundary line is largely the winding Northwest bank of Indian Creek. A significant portion of this property can be further developed for expansion of farming operations or other commercial/residential development. GPS Coordinates are: 30.96662, -94.06973. Click on this Google Earth View for a 3D aerial look at the layout of The Farm. Note this ~56 acre tract (originally 60 acres until the taking for Armstrong Rd/Co Rd 096) is bisected by Armstrong Road/CR 096, with the undeveloped timbered acreage predominantly on the eastern side of Armstrong Road to the Northwest Bank of Indian Creek. JCAD ID: 6979 & 48102.
Contact Owner with all Inquiries
Plant Farm Location
224 County Road 096 (Armstrong Road) @ FM 2800
Jasper, Jasper County, Texas 75951
Owner Contact Info
Mailing Address
Owner/Seller: Mike McCraw
Cell: 409-489-2366
P.O. Box 608
Jasper, Texas 75951
Email: MikeMcCraw@Earthlink.net